Improvements and End of Year Maintenance

Valley View Camp is getting some needed enhancements. Garrott Brothers Concrete made an offer we could not turn down. The board decided to move forward with some much needed concrete work around the property. Thank you Garrott Brothers!!

To add, end of year maintenance is taking place, but we still have a list of other tasks that need to be completed. Please consider helping us knock these items out.

Completed Tasks:

  • The fence behind the mess hall has been taken down.
  • The trash pile has been burned.
  • The shop office has been cleaned out.
  • The water lines have been blown out.
  • Concrete
    has been poured for the sidewalk at the caretaker’s house and behind
    the dining hall (Wednesday, the driveway will be formed, and the pour
    will be this Friday). Please use the softball grass entrance by the old
    barn next to the road for the next  2 weeks if you come to camp. The
    driveway will be closed.
  • Raking and bagging leaves around the lake and cabins.
  • Removing the basketball backboards.
  • Moving logs to the stables from trees taken down
  • Sorting and culling old balls in the game room.
  • Cleaning out the grill area